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Tax Calculators

Our professional team will file the Income and Sales tax for your company in the United States.

Income Tax Calculator

With the following tool you can obtain the tax rate to pay related to the expected profits of your company.

Company type
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Company profit
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Partner participation
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Tax to pay:


State tax rate:


State tax:


Federal tax rate:


Federal tax:


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State tax:




Federal tax:




Tax to pay:


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Effective tax rate:


Partner's profit:


Member withholding:


Tax refund:


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1. For an LLC-P (Partnership), please type your ownership percentage and the company's profit.
2. Remember that this tool is an estimator and does not show the exact value you should pay.
3. The withholding applies only to foreign members (whether individuals or companies).
4. The amount of the state tax may vary due to different factors.

Sales tax Calculator

This Sales Tax calculator will help you estimate the applicable sales taxes in the United States, based on your company's transactions and the rates specific to your company's location.

Revenue from sales
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Tax rate


Sales tax


Sales Tax

Sales tax only applies in the state where your company is registered. This means you won’t need to charge or report this tax in other states unless you have a physical or economic nexus, such as employees, warehouses, or engage in business activities that require it.


Please note that this tool works only as an estimator, so the values shown are approximate and do not reflect the exact amount you will have to pay.

Your accounting in expert hands

Your company's accounting is key
to optimizing tax payments and growing
your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the tax withholding refund made?

After filing the tax, in case you have an amount in favor of the initial withholding paid, the IRS will issue a check or credit to the bank account associated with the members of the company. Contact us for more information.

Does the tax withholding apply to American citizens?

No, the withholding is charged only to foreign partners of an LLC Partnership.

Is there a tax extension in case I can't file before the stipulated date?

Yes, the tax extensions may vary according to the type of company. However, the penalties and interest will continue to run from the first declaration date. You can contact us for more information.

What happens if the tax return and payments are not made on time?

The federal entity can calculate the estimated value of the taxes and send the formal requirement. It also can charge interests and penalties to people who pay taxes late and file lawsuits against tax evaders. If you don't agree with the requirement, you must file an appeal.

Do the foreign partners of a Corporation have to pay a withholding just like partners in an LLC?

For foreign partners of a Corporation, without tax residence in the United States and residents in countries where there is no double taxation agreement, 30% of the decreed dividends must be withheld

For residents, companies and foreign partners of a Corporation in countries that have a double taxation agreement, 21% of the decreed dividends must be withheld.

happy guy at the office wearing glasses

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