File the sales tax return for your company in the United States.
Every company needs to be up to date with its obligations in the United States. This is one of the most important processes to continue with its excellent performance and operation.
The sales tax is added to the price of taxed goods or services and the final consumer is charged. Businesses are responsible for collecting sales tax from consumers, thus making the payment to the state.
The periodicity of the presentation depends on the amount of taxes your company collects. It is imposed by the department of revenue of each state, and this may be:
Additionally, each state has a detailed list of goods or services that are exempt, excluded, or have preferential rates. The final percentage also may vary if the surtax applies.
It's important for every company officially formed in the United States to know and understand each one of the three concepts explained on this section.
Many businesses buy goods or services for the purpose of reselling them. These companies have a reseller certificate that allows them to acquire them free of sales tax. In some states this certificate has an expiration date, and there are other states where this certificate does not apply.
It refers to connection of a norm with a territory. In the case of sales tax, this principle is relevant when defining whether the good or service is taxed or not. For example: A company incorporated in Florida that has a physical store or operates in the state of New York must file and pay the sales tax in New York.
A surtax is an additional tax levied on top of an already existing business tax and can have a flat or progressive rate structure. For example: The sales surtax in Florida is based on the rate in the county where you deliver taxable goods or services, and a few counties do not impose the surtax.
This Sales Tax calculator will help you estimate the applicable sales taxes in the United States, based on your company's transactions and the rates specific to your company's location.
Sales tax only applies in the state where your company is registered. This means you won’t need to charge or report this tax in other states unless you have a physical or economic nexus, such as employees, warehouses, or engage in business activities that require it.
Please note that this tool works only as an estimator, so the values shown are approximate and do not reflect the exact amount you will have to pay.
No, as long as your client has the reseller certificate, which you must request prior to executing the sale.
Each of the states handles different percentages and exceptions that can be consulted with one of our experts. Contact us.
Yes, since it complies with the principle of territoriality according to the location of the merchandise.
This tax is governed by the principle of territoriality, meaning that if the company reaches a sales amount that meets the requirements of that state, it will require it to also declare and pay sales tax there.
Sales tax is used for investment in state projects such as schools, highways, and fire departments. Many areas rely on sales tax to fund their budgets, so the state takes collecting it very seriously.
The company must pay sales tax if: